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Legislation of Bosnia and Herzegovina / laws of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Link for laws of Bosnia and Herzegovina: ... osnia.html

The Law on the Protection of Topographies of Integrated Circuits
Trademark Law
Law on communications of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Decision on Constituting the Copyright and Related Rights Council
Decision on Constituting the Council for Intellectual Property Protection
Decision on Constituting the Council for the Development of Intellectual Property Users
Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary
European Charter on the Statute for Judges and Explanatory Memorandum
Law on missings persons
Recommendation No. R (94) 12 Of The Committee Of Ministers to member states On The Independence, efficiency and role of Judges
The Universal Charter of The Judge
Law on Agency for Labour and Employment of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Law on Notaries of Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina
Rules and Regulations of Notary Service of Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina
Law on Protection against Defamation of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Law on Prohibition of Discrimination (Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 59/09 - 29.07. 2009)

Law on Permanent and Temporary Residence of Citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina no. 32)

Bosnia and Herzegovina Aviation Law (Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina no 39/09)

Law on Air Navigation Services Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina no. 43/09)

Bylaw on Provision of Assurances of the Citizenship of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 7/14 - 28.01.2014)

Bylaw on Specified Evidence of Eligibility for Acquisition of the Citizenship of Bosnia and Herzegovina through Naturalization or Facilitated Naturalization (Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 7/14 - 28.01.2014)

Bylaw on Keeping Records of Acquisition and Cessation of the Citizenship of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 7/14 - 28.01.2014)

Bylaw on travel documents for refugees (Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina No.80/09)

Bylaw on Travel Documents for Stateless Persons (Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina No.80/09)

Bylaw on Laissez-passer for Aliens (Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina No.80/09)
A decade of the High Judical and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Law on citizenship of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Law on the Amendments to the Law on citizenship of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Law on market surveillance in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina no 45/04)

The law on accounting and auditing of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina no 83/09)

Law on prevention and suppression of the abuse of narcotic drugs (Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina no 8/06)

Law on public Enterprises of Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Law on public Enterprises in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Law on public Enterprises of Republika Srpska

Law establishing the company for the transmission of electric power in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Law on control of foreign trade of goods and services of strategic importance for the security of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Law on production of weapons and military equipment

Law on insurance agency in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Law on Public Procurement for Bosnia and Herzegovina

Incentives for small business development incentive in Sarajevo Canton

Regulation on plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with food

Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Constitution of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (“Official Gazette” of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1/94, 13/97, 16/02, 22/02, 52/02, 60/02, 18/03, 63/03)
Constitution of Republika Srpska (“Official Gazette” of Republika Srpska, 6/92, 8/92, 15/92, 19/92, 21/92, 28/94, 8/96, 13/96, 15/96, 16/96 and 21/96)
Statute of the Brcko Distrikt of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Law on the attorneys’ profession of the Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Code of professional ethichs for attorneys in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Law on the attorneys’ profession of the Republika Srpska
Freedom of access to information act
Law on conflict of interest in Governmental institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Labour law of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of FBiH No. 62/15 - 2015)
Labour law of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Law on gender equality in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Law on The Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Hercegovina (Official Gazette of BH no: 24/02, 42/03, 03/03, 37/03, 42/03, 09/04, 35/04, 61/04 and 97/09)
Labour law of RS (Official Gazette of RS No. 38/00, 40/00, 47/02, 38/03, 66/03 and 20/07)
Law on Movement and Stay of Aliens and Immigrants of BiH (Official Gazette of B&H No. 36/08, 87/12)
Civil procedure code of Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorist Activities (Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina, no. 53/09)
Law on party financing (Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina, no. 95/12)
Law on civil service in the Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina, no. 12/02)
Law on the prevention of money laundering in the Brcko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Law on Witness Protection Programme in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 29/04)
The Law on Ministries and Other Bodies of Administration of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 5/03)
Law on protection from domestic violence of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Law on Competition of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of B&H, no. 48/05, 76/07 and 80/09)
Framework Pledge Law Bosnia and Herzegovina (adopted on 21.05.04, and subsequently amended in November 2004)
Law on Registration of Business Entities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina ("Official Gazette" of Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina, 27/05)
Standards of Corporate Governance (Republika Srpska) (Official Gazette of Republika Srpska 03/06)
Law on Value Added Tax ("Official Gazette" of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 09/05)
Law on Excise Duties ("Official Gazette" of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 62/04)
Law on court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (“Official Gazette” of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 49/09)
Criminal code of Bosnia and Herzegovina (“Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina” No. 3/03, 32/03, 37/03, 54/04, 61/04, 30/05, 53/06, 55/06, 32/07, 8/10)
Criminal procedure code of Bosnia and Herzegovina (“Official Gazette” of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 3/03, 32/03, 36/03, 26/04, 63/04, 13/05, 48/05, 46/06, 76/06 , 29/07 , 32/07 , 53/07 , 76/07 , 15/08 , 58/08 , 12/09 , 16/09 , 93/09 , 72/13)
Law on protection of witnesses under threat and vulnerable witnesses (“Official Gazette” of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 3/03, 21/03, 61/04, 55/05)
Law on enforcement procedure before the Court of BH (“Official Gazette” of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 18/03)
Law on bankruptcy proceedings
Criminal code of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 36/03)
Criminal procedure code of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 35/03)
Law on rights of National minorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Law on copyright and related rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Law on the Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights in Bosnia
Law on Industrial Designs in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Law on the Protection of Indications of Geographical Origin
Patent law

Laws related to Banking & Microfinance
Law on the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Law on the Banking Agency for the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Law on Banks for the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Law on deposit insurance in Banks of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Law on Microcredit Organizations of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovin
Law on Banks for the Republic Srpska
Law on Microcredit Organizations of the Republic Srpska
Law on the Banking Agency of the Republic Srpska
Law on Development Bank of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Decree on the Bank supervision criteria and procedures of the Development Bank of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Laws related to Business Registration:

Framework Law on Registration of Business Entities of BiH (Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 42/04)
Excerpt from the Company Law of the RS - (Official Gazette of RS, No 127/08, 58/09, 100/11 and 67/13)
Law on Registration of Business Entities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina ("Official Gazette" of Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina, 27/05)
Excerpt from the Company Law of the RS - (Official Gazette of RS, No 127/08, 58/09, 100/11 and 67/13)

Laws related to Investment and Business:
Cleansed text of the Law on The Policy of Foreign Direct Investment of BiH (Official Gazette Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 17/98, 13/03 48/10 and 22/15)

Law on Foreign Investments RS (Official Gazette of RS No. 25/02, 24/04, 52/11 and 68/13)

FBiH Law on Foreign Investments (Official Gazette of FBiH No. 61/01, 50/03 and 77/15)
Excerpt from the Company Law of the FBiH - (Official Gazette of Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 23/99, 45/00, 2/02, 6/02, 29/03, 68/05, 91/07, 84/08, 88/08. 7/09, 63/10 and 75/13)
Excerpt from the Company Law of the RS - (Official Gazette of RS, No 127/08, 58/09, 100/11 and 67/13)

Laws related to Taxes and Excises:

Law on Value Added Tax of BiH - (Official Gazette Bosnia and Herzegovina no. 09/05, 35/05 and 100/08)

Law on Amendments and Supplements to the Law on Value Added Tax of BiH - (Official Gazette B&H No 35/05)
Instruction on Conditions for and Methods of VAT Refund to Foreign Persons of BiH - (Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 01/07)
FBiH Law on Corporate Income Tax - (Official Gazette of Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina 97/07 and 39/09)
RS Law on Corporate Income Tax - (Official Gazette of Republika Srpska 91/06)
Law on Amending of the Law on Corporate Income Tax of RS - (Official Gazette of Republika Srpska 57/12)
Law on foreign exchange operations of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina - (Official Gazette of Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina 47/10)
Law on foreign exchange operations of Republika Srpska

Laws related to Free Zones

Law on Free Zones of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette Bosnia and Herzegovina 99/09)
RS Law on Free Zones - (Official Gazette of RS 65/03)

FBiH Law on Free Zones - (Official Gazette of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina 2/95)

FBiH Law on Amending of the Law on Free Zones - (Official Gazette of Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina 37/04)

Laws related to Customs

Customs Policy Law of BiH (Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 57/04, 51/06, 93/08, 54/10 and 76/11)

High Judical and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina Annual report
High Judical and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina Annual report for 2007
High Judical and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina Annual report for 2008
High Judical and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina Annual report for 2009
High Judical and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina Annual report for 2010
High Judical and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina Annual report for 2011
High Judical and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina Annual report for 2012

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